Chemical & Life Science ERP Software

Many ERP vendors claim to support the needs of chemical manufacturers but most fall well short with limited capabilities to define and manage formulas and scale production batches. Fewer yet can handle potency, lot attributes, or the rigid regulations and compliance mandates of the EPA, FDA, OSHA, and other governing agencies. Minimize risk and streamline reporting for the many compliance risks facing chemical companies today.

Chemical & Life Science ERP Consulting Services

There are very few good chemical ERP products available on the market and those that have a broader feature set are typically very expensive and out of reach of smaller chemical processors and many of the more robust applications on the market today are locked into aging technology platforms. SolutionsX worked in tandem with the developers of the Infor CloudSuite Industrial Process Pack to produce the most modern and feature-rich ERP product for process manufacturers. Further, we have the most experience implementing the application in chemical and process manufacturing industries and we know how complicated ERP implementations can be so we collaborate closely with customers to ensure that their projects are completed on time and on budget.

ERP Software for Chemical & Life Science Industries

Infor CloudSuite Industrial is designed for companies across many diverse chemical processing industry segments including:

Agricultural Chemicals

Lubricants & Adhesives

Paint & Coatings

Cleaning Supplies

Industrial Chemicals

Gases & Pigments

Synthetic Rubber & Plastic



Perfume & Cosmetics


Other Chemicals

Chemical & Life Science Industry ERP Software Features

Below is a short list of some of the major features provided by Infor CloudSuite Industrial designed specifically for process manufacturers engaged in the chemical industry.

Management of scalable formulas or recipes based on quantity produced and/or percentages of ingredients with full security and control over formula and recipe definitions.

Manage potency of a batch based on the desired concentration of ingredients in comparison to the overall chemical composition of the finished good. Assign grades to products post-production. Must be able to select inventory based on potency and grade

Develop and document quality plans with testing of raw materials received from vendors through production, and into finished goods inventory with standardized testing criteria and built-in reporting

Track and cost for the production of expected and unexpected co-products and by-products where multiple finished goods are produced from a single batch or ancillary products of value are produced that can be stocked and reused or resold.

Manage all aspects of FDA regulations and reporting including 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance for electronic records and security as well as data supporting current good manufacturing processes (cGMP).

Comply with labeling and reporting requirements with manufacturing and product data to produce reports set forth by various governmental agencies.

Manage ingredient and finished good non-conformance with integrated Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) plans.

Track labor and materials for new product research and development within the ERP system as a project with integrated time and expense reporting.

Manage inventories including customer private-label and contract packaging for identical items sold under different brands or packaging.

Manage the vendor approval process and monitor quality by supplier.

Control decimal precision or resolution up to eight places right of the decimal point to ensure accurate data across products and processes.

Ability to scale batch sizes based on quantity or percentage of ingredients or to scale ingredients based on the size of the batch with full loss and yield reporting.

Track attributes of raw material and finished goods lots based on attributes including such things as potency, grade, chemical composition, and more. Trace backward or forward from any lot in the system to find out where it was used or where it came from to streamline recalls and other quality requirements.

Manage perishable ingredients with lot expiration tracking, lot expiration alerts, and first-expired-first-out lot picking logic for manufacturing.

Manage units of measure separately for purchasing, stocking (inventory), manufacturing, and sales with conversions between units of measure. Also manage inventory by packaged unit of measure for a single item. E.g., same product stocked in cans, drums, and tanks.

Create and manage material safety data sheets including document revisions and MSDS availability online for employees, suppliers, and customers alike.

Manage supplier certificates of analysis and produce certificates of analysis for finished goods sold to customers.

Utilize integrated laboratory information management systems for validated testing of ingredients and finished goods.

Document quality procedures and implement a quality plan to facilitate compliance with ISO 14001 for environmental management within your chemical processing facility.

Utilize specific gravity calculations to control and manage formulations based on ingredient density compared to standards such as water.

Multiple security levels at the network, desktop, and database level with full audit trails and control over access to systems, menus, screens, and fields with time-stamped audit logs by user.

Many chemical processors operate in a repetitive manufacturing environment and require additional repetitive production reporting capabilities on top of traditional batch process manufacturing.







Chemical & Life Science ERP Resources Available from SolutionsX!

Chemical & Life Science business needs are as complex as the products they build. Discover why Infor CloudSuite Industrial is the top choice for Chemical & Life Science manufacturers.

  • Digital transformation and your chemicals company
  • Infor Chemicals: Create a better formula for manufacturing success
  • Upgrading Enterprise Systems for Success in Process Manufacturing
  • Streamlining Product Development in Process Manufacturing
  • 10 ways to make analytics more useful and consumable
  • 10 things global chemical manufacturers need to know about managing costs in a volatile world
  • The 4 biggest challenges chemical manufacturers face
  • The Digital Transformation of Pharmaceutical and Biotech Manufacturing
  • How to fix your maintenance program: A Chemical Industry Perspective
  • How 20 Years Have Transformed the Chemical Industry
  • Improving Return on Assets (ROA) in Asset-Intensive Process Manufacturing
  • How process manufacturers can prepare for the Factory of the Future
  • Data-Driven Outcomes: How the Internet of Things is Driving Digital Transformation in the Chemicals Industry
  • Case Study: Allergan streamlines its operations with Infor Demand Planning and Infor Advanced Scheduling
  • Case Study: Takeda Makes Compliance Easy with Infor EAM Enterprise
  • Case Study: Asian Paints increases accuracy with Infor PLM
  • Case Study: Valenta Pharm optimizes budget management with Infor BI
  • Infor CloudSuite Process Manufacturing Overview Video
  • Infor Chemicals for Agriculture
  • Infor Implementation Accelerator for Chemicals
  • Infor Supply Chain Execution for Chemicals
  • Infor CloudSuite Quality Management Brochure

With SolutionsX, Get One ERP System That Takes Away The Guesswork.

Contact us for more information on how we can support you with your Chemical Processing & Life Sciences Manufacturing needs!

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